SECC Campaign

What is the SECC Campaign?

Texas' State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) is one of the largest state employee campaigns in the nation.  Through the efforts and generosity of state employees, Texas agency and higher education employees (both active and retired) have contributed to provide aid to their family, friends, neighbors, and countless others in need across the Lone Star state.
Official annual campaign dates: September 1 – October 31.
The SECC is governed at both the statewide and local levels. This ensures that the campaign is conducted fairly and equitably under a strict set of guidelines which give donors confidence in both the charities that benefit and the methods used to solicit.
Each fall, we get the opportunity to learn about the charities in the SECC, choose which ones we want to help, and then fill out a pledge form to indicate how much we wish to donate to which groups. We can make a one-time gift by cash or check. Or, even better, our gift can be deducted from each paycheck beginning at the first of next year.
One of the great benefits of the SECC is the wide variety of charities and causes represented — there’s something for everyone. They range from small local organizations to large and well-known national and international groups. 
Those charities that wish to participate must meet stringent legal requirements, and then be scrutinized by teams of state employees to ensure:
  • They are recognized by the IRS as 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and registered with the Secretary of State.
  • They are audited (or reviewed) annually by an accountant in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
  • They provide direct or indirect health and human services.
  • They spend no more than 25 percent of funds raised on administration.
Giving to a favorite charity through the SECC is an easy, effective and cost-efficient way to give. These contributions help improve the quality of life for people in communities locally, across the country and around the world.
United Way Galveston County Mainland Organization Code # 339000