Funding Opportunities

Funding and Grants for each agency

Eligibility Criteria For Program Funding

United Way Galveston County Mainland strives to offer nonprofit partner organizations maximum value for participation in our network. Being a partner agency includes receiving valuable guidance, support and resources to help build a stronger community. Nonprofit partnering agencies must meet a strict set of eligibility criteria annually. This provides assurance to our donors, sponsors, and supporters that we meet the highest standards of financial transparency and accountability. 

Funding for programs is competitive, and based on information submitted. All proposals are reviewed and approved by community volunteers and donors, and the United Way Galveston County Mainland Board of Directors.

The funding period is one year, starting in January through December of each year.

First time applicants are required to attend an Informational Workshop before gaining access to the application database.

Agencies must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible to apply for funding:

  • The agency must be in existence for a minimum of three (3) years to qualify for partnership and provide proof of exemption from Federal Income Tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

  • The agency must make services available to clients without regard to race, religion, national origin, or political creed.

  • The agency must file a Form 990 with the IRS for the most recent fiscal year (no more than 18 months old), as required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations.​

  • The agency must operate with management, general, and fundraising costs below 25%.

  • The agency must maintain an active local governing board of adequate size, background, and diversity to represent the Galveston County Mainland communities, serving without compensation, holding regular, documented meetings (at least quarterly) and demonstrating effective administrative control. Minutes are to be available to United Way Galveston County Mainland upon request.

    • If the agency is part of a regional or national organization, it must have at a minimum, a local advisory committee.

      • ​The local advisory committee must provide United Way with their specific roles and responsibilities as it relates to the agency and the rest of the organization.

      • The local advisory committee must reflect the local community as it relates to the regional operations' areas. The agency must be able to demonstrate how local volunteers influence the use of local United Way dollars within the community.

      • The local advisory committee must identify how monies being provided by United Way Galveston County Mainland will be spent in Galveston County Mainland.

  • The agency must have annual audit or compiled financial statements completed by a Certified Public Accountant acceptable to the United Way. This requirement must be repeated for each subsequent funding request. All financial statements must be prepared on an accrual basis according to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(AICPA) for non-profit organizations. Financial statement requirements are based on the agency total revenues as follows:

    • Agency/Organization Revenue of $500,000 and above must submit:
      • ​Board-approved independent Financial Audit (not more than 18 months old) by a certified public accounting firm or individual Certified Public Accountant.

        • An independent audit is an examination of the financial records, accounts, business transactions, accounting practices, and internal controls of a charitable nonprofit by an "independent" auditor. "Independent" refers to the fact that the auditor/CPA is not an employee of the nonprofits but instead is retained through a contract for services, and hence is "independent." 

    • ​Agency/Organization Revenue Less than $500,000 must submit: 

      • ​A Management Letter or Financial Review by a certified public accounting firm or individual CPA may be submitted in lieu of an independent Financial Audit.

  • The agency must carry general/commercial and board liability insurance. The agency is required to submit proof of insurance with their annual Funding Request.

Programs must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible to apply for funding:

  • The program must have been in continuous operation for a minimum of two (2) years with demonstrated success prior to the date of application.
  • The program must address a clearly demonstrated community need in at least one of three focus areas: health, education, and financial stability.
  • The program must provide services to residents of Galveston County Mainland in at least one of the following zip codes: 77510, 77517, 77518, 77539, 77546, 77549, 77563, 77565, 77568, 77573, 77574, 77590, 77591 and 77592.

Informational workshops are available upon request by emailing


To start the application process, follow this link: